A Scientific Paper







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Bismillahirrohmanirrohim Alhamdulillah, Praise and gratitude I say to Allah SWT, with permission and grace, I can finish my paper on time. Do not forget the prayers and greetings poured out to the Prophet Muhammad SAW whose syafa’at we are waiting for in thefuture. The language structure paper was prepared to fulfill the assignment of Ms. Nurul Hidayah Azmi, S.S, M.Hum in the English course at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra. In addition, the authors also hope that this paper can add insight to readers about this subject. The writer would like to thank Mrs. Nurul Hidayah Azmi, S.S, M.Hum as an English lecturer. This assignment that has been given can add knowledge and insight related to the author’s field. The author also thanks all those who have helped the process of preparing this paper. The paper titled Language structure contains the type of Language structure and meaning of each type. The type of Language structure is, phoneme, morpheme, word, phrase, clause, and sentence. An example of Language stucture will also be loaded in this paper. The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore,constructive criticism and suggestions will be accepted by the author for the perfection of this paper.


                                                                               Sibolga, 12 November 2020

                                                                               The writer,




                                                                               WAHYU SOFIANDA

                                                                               NIM. 0702203236




COVER………………………………………………………..................................                        i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………………….                        ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………..             iii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCION……………………………………………………                       1

A. Background of the paper………………………………………………..             1

B. Formulatin of the problem………………………………………………             1

C. Purpose………………………………………………………………….              1

CHAPTER II : DISCUSSION……………………………………………………..                        2


A.    Phoneme………………………………………………………………...                        2


B.     Morpheme……………………………………………………………...              2

1.      Types of Morpheme………………………………………………..              2


C.     Word……………………………………………………………………             3


D.    Phrase…………………………………………………………………...             4


1.      Jenis – Jenis Phrase…………………………………………….              4

1.1. Noun Phrase……………………………………………….              4

1.2. Adverbial Phrase…………………………………………..              4

1.3. Verb Phrase………………………………………………..              4

1.4. Infinitive Phrase…………………………………………...              4

1.5. Gerund Phrase……………………………………………..             4

1.6. Appositive Phrase…………………………………………              5

1.7. Participle Phrase…………………………………………..               5

1.8. Prepositional Phrase………………………………………               5

1.9. Examatory Phrase………………………………………....              5


E.     Clause………………………………………………………………….              5


1.      Jenis – Jenis Clause…………………………………………….              6


1.1. Independent clause…………………………………….              6


1.2. Dependent Clause……………………………………...              6


1.2.1.      Noun Clause………………………………..             6


1.2.2.      Adjective Clause……………………………             6


1.2.3.      Adverbial Clause……………………………                        7                                 

F.      Sentence……………………………………………………...                  7


1.     Types Of Sentence………………………………………                   7


1.1. Simple Sentence………………………………………               7


1.2 . Compound Sentence…………………………….          7


1.3.  Complex Sentence……………………………………              7


1.4. Compound-Complex Sentence………………………..              8


CHAPTER III : CLOSING………………………………………………………...                        9

A.    Summary…………………………………………………….                   9


B.     Suggestion…………………………………………………..                   9


C.     Referance……………………………………………………                   9                     







A.   Background of the paper

 Bahasa Inggris seperti yang telah kita ketahui adalah bahasa yang sangat terkait dengan banyak aspek di kehidupan jaman sekarang.Hampir semua aspek seperti teknologi, pendidikan, bisnis, dan lainnya menggunakan bahasa inggris sebagai media untuk berkomunikasi.Oleh karena itu sangatlah penting bagi kita terutama siswa untuk mempelajari bahasa tersebut. Berbicara tentang mempelajari bahasa inggris pasti tidak lepas dengan yang namanya language structure. Language strucruture adalah salah satu pondasi utama kita dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris. Jangankan bahasa inggris pada saat kita berbica dengan menggunakan bahasa indonesia pun kita harus mengerti struktur bahasanya. Language structure dalam bahasa inggris itu sendiri terbagi menjadi beberapa macam diantaranya fenom, morfem, word, phrase, clause, dan sentence, dalam hal ini semua mahasiswa maupun mahasiswi diharapkan bisa mengetahui dan memahami apa itu language structure.


B.   Formulatin of the problem


1. What is the meaning of Phoneme?

2. What is the meaning of Morpheme?

3. What is the meaning of Word?

4. What is the meaning of Phrase?

 5. What is the meaning of Clause?

6. What is the meaning of Sentences?

C. Purpose

              1. Knowing the meaning of Phoneme

2. Knowing the meaning of Morpheme

3. Knowing the meaning of Word

4. Knowing the meaning of Phrase

5. Knowing the meaning of Clause

6. Knowing the meaning of Sentence






A. Phoneme

          Phoneme, in linguistics, smallest unit of speech distinguishing one word (or word element) from another, as the element p in “tap,” which separates that word from “tab,” “tag,” and “tan.” A phoneme may have more than one variant, called an allophone (q.v.), which functions as a single sound; for example, the p’s of “pat,” “spat,” and “tap” differ slightly phonetically, but that difference, determined by context, has no significance in English. In some languages, where the variant sounds of p can change meaning, they are classified as separate phonemes—e.g., in Thai the aspirated p (pronounced with an accompanying puff of air) and unaspirated p are distinguished one from the other.

            Phoneme are based on spoken language and may be recorded with special symbols, such as those of the International Phonetic Alphabet. In transcription, linguists conventionally place symbols for phonemes between slash marks: /p/. The term phoneme is usually restricted to vowels and consonants, but some linguists extend its application to cover phonologically relevant differences of pitch, stress, and rhythm. Nowadays the phoneme often has a less central place in phonological theory than it used to have, especially in American linguistics. Many linguists regard the phoneme as a set of simultaneous distinctive features rather than as an unanalyzable unit.

B. Morpheme

          A morpheme is the smallest syntactical and meaningful linguistic unit that contains a word, or an element of the word such as the use of –s whereas this unit is not divisible further into smaller syntactical parts. For instance, in the sentence, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times” (A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens), all the underlined words are morphemes, as they cannot be divided further into smaller units.

1. Types of Morpheme

            There are two types of morphemes which are:

1.      Free Morpheme
The free morpheme is just a simple word that has a single morpheme; thus, it is free and can occur independently. For instance, in “David wishes to go there,” “go” is a free morpheme.

2.      Bound Morpheme
By contrast to a free morpheme, a bound morpheme is used with a free morpheme to construct a complete word, as it cannot stand independently. For example, in “The farmer wants to kill duckling,” the bound morphemes “-er,” “s,” and “ling” cannot stand on their own. They need free morphemes of “farm,” “want” and “duck” to give meanings.

Bound morphemes are of two types which include:

1.                   Inflectional Morpheme
This type of morpheme is only a suffix. It transforms the function of words by adding -ly as a suffix to the base of the noun, such as in “friend,” which becomes “friendly.” Now it contains two morphemes “friend” and “-ly.” Here, “-ly” is an inflectional morpheme, as it has changed the noun “friend” into an adjective “friendly.”

2.                  Derivational Morpheme
This type of morpheme uses both prefix as well as suffix, and has the ability to change function as well as meaning of words. For instance, adding the suffix “-less” to the noun “meaning” makes the meaning of this word entirely different.


          In linguistics, a word of a spoken language can be defined as the smallest sequence of phonemes that can be uttered in isolation with objective or practical meaning. In many languages, words also correspond to sequences of graphemes ("letters") in their standard writing systems that are delimited by spaces wider than the normal inter-letter space, or by other graphical conventions.[1] The concept of "word" is usually distinguished from that of a morpheme, which is the smallest unit of speech which has a meaning, even if it will not stand on its own.

In many languages, the notion of what constitutes a "word" may be mostly learned as part of learning the writing system.[1] This is the case for the English language, and for most languages that are written with alphabets derived from the ancient Latin or Greek alphabets.

There still remains no consensus among linguists about the proper definition of "word" in a spoken language that is independent of its writing system, nor about the precise distinction between it and "morpheme".[1] This issue is particularly debated for Chinese and other languages of East Asia,[2] and may be moot[clarification needed] for Afro-Asiatic languages.

In English orthography, the letter sequences "rock", "god", "write", "with", "the", "not" are considered to be single-morpheme words, whereas "rocks", "ungodliness", "typewriter", and "cannot" are words composed of two or more morphemes ("rock"+"s", "un"+"god"+"li"+"ness", "type"+"writ"+"er", and "can"+"not"). In English and many other languages, the morphemes that make up a word generally include at least one root (such as "rock", "god", "type", "writ", "can", "not") and possibly some affixes ("-s", "un-", "-ly", "-ness"). Words with more than one root ("[type][writ]er", "[cow][boy]s", "[tele][graph]ically") are called compound words.

Words are combined to form other elements of language, such as phrases ("a red rock", "put up with"), clauses ("I threw a rock"), and sentences ("I threw a rock, but missed").

D. Phrase

Phrase adalah gabungan berbagai kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang memiliki makna tetapi tidak termasuk subject dan verb. Phrase tidak bisa memiliki batasan jumlah kata, namun yang pasti phrase harus lebih dari satu kata.

Phrase terdiri dari modifier yang memiliki fungsi untuk menjelaskan dan head yang berfungsi untuk dijelaskan. Modifier dibagi menjadi pre modifier dan post modifier, simak contoh di bawah ini:

  • Premodifier
    Modifier yangterletaksebelum head, contohnya: Beautiful city, Huge nose, Red flower. Head dari contoh itu adalah city, nose, dan flower.
  • Postmodifier
    Modifier yang terletak setelah head, contohnya: Work hard, Study style, That girl in the red floral dress. Head dari contoh itu adaah work, study, dan that girl.


1. Jenis-jenis Phrase

Setelah memahami apa itu phrase, sekarang giliranmu cari tau apa aja jenis-jenis phrase. Ada 9 jenis phrase yang perlu kamu pahami:

1.1. Noun Phrase

Noun phrase adalah kelompok kata yang terdiri dari satu kata benda dan modifiernya. Head dalam noun phrase adalah noun atau kata benda.

1.2.  Adverbial Phrase

Adverbial phrase adalah kelompok kata yang berfungsi sebagai adverb. Head dari   jenis phrase ini adalah adverb.

1.3. Verb Phrase

Jenis frasa ini terdiri dari satu verb dan modifiernya. Head dari phrase ini adalah verb atau kata kerja.

1.4. Infinitive Phrase

Infinitive phrase adalah frasa yang dapat berfungsi sebagai verb, adverb, atau adjective. Frasa terdiri dari infinitive verb. Head dari frasa ini adalah to infinitive.

1.5. Gerund Phrase


Gerund phrase adalah jenis frasa yang headnya adalah gerund.



1.6. Appositive Phrase


Appositive phrase adalah frasa bahasa Inggris berupa ground phrase, infinitive phrase,atau nounphrase. Appositive phrase berfungsi untuk menjelaskan noun atau pronoun lain. Biar gak bingung kamu bisa liat contoh ini:

·         An artist from Sydney
Ruel, an artist from Sydney, has launched his latest song yesterday


1.7. Participle Phrase


Frasa ini adalah gabungan antara present (-ing) atau past participle (-ed) dengan direct object dan modifier. Fungsi participle phrase yaitu sebagai verb atau adjective. Berikut contoh participle phrase:

·         The man riding in the circuit is my best friend

·         The book that is given to me is on the table


1.8. Prepositional Phrase


Phrase ini mencakup kata depan atau preposisi dan kata benda. Headnya berupa preposisi, sedangkan modifiernya berupa objek dari preposisi.


1.9. Examatory Phrase


Exclamatory adalah kata seruan atau ajakan. Exlamatory phrase terdiri dari head yang berupa exclamatory dan modifiernya.

E. Clause

          Clause merupakan sekelompok kata dimana didalamnya harus ada subject (subyek atau pelaku) dan juga predicate (predikat). Subject dalam sebuah kalimat dapat berupa hewan, benda, orang ataupun konsep yang abstrak – sementara, predicate merupakan verb (kata kerja) atau auxiliary verb yang dilengkapi dengan verb itu sendiri.Selain subject dan predicate, clause juga bisa ditambahkan kata keterangan yang dapat melengkapi makna dari suatu kalmiat.Pada dasarnya, clause dibagi menjadi dua yaitu independent clause (kalimat yang dapat berdiri sendiri) dan dependent clause (kalimat yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri). 


1.Jenis Jenis Clause

          1.1. Independent clause 

Independent clause merupakan klausa yang dapat berdiri sendiri menjadi suatu kalimat. Kalimat yang dihasilkan oleh independent clause disebut dengan simple sentence, tetapi suatu independent clause juga bisa digabungkan dengan independent clause lainnya yang akan menghasilkan compound sentence. jika kalian ingin menggabungkan dua independent clause, maka kalian wajib untuk menyelipkan kata-kata dibawah ini diantara dua clause tersebut:

·         Coordinate conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)

·         Semicolon (titik koma)

·         Adverbial conjunction (however, rather, therefore)

1.2. Dependent Clause

Dependent clause merupakan klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Dependent clause harus dilengkapi dengan subject dan predicate tetapi klausa ini tidak bisa dipakai untuk menyatakan suatu pikiran yang utuh. Mengapa demikian? Karena clause ini harus diawali dengan subordinator. Hal ini membuat makna dari clause menjadi menggantung atau terasa tidak selesai. Maka dari itu, jika ingin clause ini menjadi dimengerti – clause harus disatukan dengan independent clause (yang menjadi main clause) agar menjadi complex sentence. Dependent clause dibagi menjadi tiga macam, yaitu:

1.2.1.      Noun Clause

            Berfungsi sebagai kata benda atau kata ganti di dalam suatu kalimat.

1.2.2.      Adjective Clause

            Berfungsi untuk menjelaskan noun atau pronoun yang ada pada main clause.


1.2.3.      Adverbial Clause

Berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi mengenai verb, adjective atau adverb adverb yang ada di main clause.


F. Sentence

          A sentence is the largest unit of any language. In English, it begins with a capital letter and ends with a full-stop, or a question mark, or an exclamation mark.

The sentence is generally defined as a word or a group of words that expresses a thorough idea by giving a statement/order, or asking a question, or exclaiming.


1.Types Of Sentence


1.1. Simple Sentence


simple sentence must have a single clause (a single verb) which is independent, and it cannot take another clause.


I always wanted to become a writer. (One clause – one verb)

1.2. Compound Sentence

compound sentence must have more than one independent clause with no dependent clauses. Some specific conjunctions, punctuation, or both are used to join together these clauses.


I always wanted to become a writer, and she wanted to become a doctor. (Two independent clauses – two verbs)


1.3. Complex Sentence


complex sentence also has more than one clause but of one them must be an independent clause and the other/others must be (a) dependent clause(es). There are also some particular connectors for the clauses of a complex sentence to be connected.


I know that you always wanted to be a writer. (Here, a dependent clause is followed by a connector and an independent clause. The other way around is also possible.)




1.4. Compound-Complex Sentence


compound-complex sentence (or complex–compound sentence) is a mixture of the features of compound and complex sentences in one sentence. So, it must contain at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.


I know that you always wanted to become a writer, but I always wanted to become a doctor. (Here, one dependent clause is followed by a complex connector and two independent clauses with a compound conjunction between them.)  
























A. Summary

          Conclusion From the above explanation, it can be concluded that language structure is one the important things in learning english. There are several types of language structure, namely Phoneme, Morpheme, Word, Phrase, Clause, Sentence. Each type has a different meaning and function.

B. Suggestion

          From the material that has been discussed, it is hoped that it can increase knowledge for both the writer and the reader. We hope that input from readers can even add information to us, either directly or indirectly. Hopefully we can add knowledge for us.Please understand if the explanation of this material is inaccurate especially not in accordance with the opinion of the source, we are human and will be open to any correction from any party.

C. Referance

          Brian, Duignan. 2009. Phoneme.



LiteraryDevices Editors. (2013). Metaphor. Retrieved November 4, 2014,



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 11 November 2020.



Pengertian serta Jenis Phrase dalam Bahasa Inggris.October 26, 2020.


            Apa Itu Clause: Pengertian, Jenis dan Contoh Kalimatnya. April 23, 2020.


            Sentence: Definition & Types.



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